Bangladeshi Dental Colleges Hospitals List with Contact Address

Bangladeshi Dental Colleges Hospitals List with Contact Address

Bangladeshi Dental Colleges are listed here on the official website and admission information. BDS is the short name of dental education.

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Bangladeshi Dental Colleges are listed here on the official website and admission information. BDS is the short name of dental education. BDS  means Bachelor of Dental Surgery. Most of the public medical hospital has their dental department.

The first dental college has established in Bangladesh in 1961, Known as Dhaka Dental College. Now most of the medical college has their Dental unit. It is four years education course and one-year internship training. The dental education is provided by various dental colleges established at different locations and districts in the country. The dental colleges and their performance are regularly monitored and regulated by government authorities. Bangladesh Medical and Dental Council regularly monitor the activities and performance of the dental, medical colleges. Various universities around the country affiliate the dental colleges . Three universities have dentistry in their health facility. They are the University of Dhaka, University of Chittagong, University of Rajshahi and Sahajalal University of Science and Technology. The students have to complete one-year internship program after completion of the course.

List of Bangladeshi Dental Colleges

Pioneer Dental College & Hospital Rangpur Dental College City Dental College Sapporo Dental College Samaj Vittik Dental College Hospital Saver Dhaka Marks Dental College Chittagong International Dental College

Facilities For Students in Dental Colleges

The dental colleges must have own premises for their infrastructure. Most of the dental colleges have hostel facility for the male, female, and international students. The colleges have libraries with essential books for the students. They have computer and dissection lab with all the modern equipment. The classrooms have internet facility along with overhead projectors. The facilities may vary based on the type of college, college fund availability, and location. Most of the colleges offer the scholarship for the meritorious students.The colleges provide the scholarship to the underprivileged and meritorious students of total student.

Admission Procedure and Eligibility

Every year after HSC result top science group applicants from all over the country sit for the medical-dental entrance examination. The candidates have to sit for admission examination to get admitted in their desired dental, medical college. The entrance test is conducted by Director General of Health and Services. The students in the merit list can get admitted into their desired college.To be eligible for the admissions test the students must be from the science background with combined GPA 8.00 in SSC and HSC or equivalent examinations. The tribal candidates of hill districts with combined GPA 7.00 can apply. The foreign candidates with equivalent qualification and GPA can apply through their embassy or Bangladesh embassy. The documents have to be verified by embassy and DGHS. For admission, the students have to apply through college prescribed form that is usually available in the admission office or college website.

However, Bangladeshi Dental Colleges have to authority to change any terms and conditions regarding the admission procedure.

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