Polytechnic Institutes Bangladesh are run by BTEB (Bangladesh Technical Education Board). It offers 4-years (8 Semester) Diploma-in-Engineering courses in different subjects.
There are some professional subjects and technologies; Like Automobile, Agriculture, Animal, Textile, Fisheries, Jute, Forestry, Garments, Wood, and Construction. Usually, every diploma college has an Electrical, Mechanical, Civil and Computer Department. BTEB organizes, supervise, regulate, control, and develop technical and vocational education in Bangladesh. Most of the districts have a minimum of one Polytechnic Diploma Institute.
Directorate of Technical Education conducts admission for 1st-year students in different subjects. Students who have passed SSC or equivalent with at least a GPA of 3.5 and GP-3 in mathematics, can apply for the examination. At present, nearly 1500 students are studying in different technologies. The official website for admission is www.techedu.gov.bd. Students can get forms, prospectus, rules, and other information from here.
Bangladesh Technical Education Board is the main authority of all Polytechnic Institutes in Bangladesh.
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